Hello, I'm Ajay

Welcome To My Portfolio


Hello Guys My name is Ajay Zade and I am a B.Tech student from Computer Science.

I love programming and like to develop Android and Desktop Applications.Below I have showned some of the work that I have done in Android Java,Javafx,C++ and MySQL.

My Android Apps

Online Quiz

An Online Quiz Application with various topics [June 10,2019]

Statistics Calculation

A very useful app for calculating Statistics terms easily [April 27,2019]

Java Learning App

A basic Java Learning app for Beginners with thoery and programs [Feb 2,2019]


A Notepad like App for taking your notes at any time [January 2,2019]

Graph Builder

A graph and chart making app for a given set of data [October 29,2018]

Tic Tac Toe

An Android application for playing tic tac toe [October 13,2018]

Unit Convertor

A Simple Unit Convertor App for conversion [October 7,2018]

Data Structures & Algorithms

Data Structure Algorithms Links
Polynomial Addition and Multiplication Using Linked List in Java
Student Data Management using Linked List in C++
Conversion of Infix To Postfix Expression using Stack C++
Postfix Expression's Calculation using Stack C++
Round Robin's Algorithm for CPU scheduling using Queue in Java
Various Sorting Techniques in C++
Binary Search Tree Insertion in C++
Creation of Huffmann's Tree in Java
Warshall's Algorithm For shortest path in graph in C++
Dijkstra's Algorithm For shortest path from source vertex in C++
Topological Sorting in graph in Java
Prim's Algorithm for Minimum Spanning graph

JavaFX and Database

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